Best funny stories

The best funny story below consists of funny stories that we often encounter around us, this funny story is made from a collection of funny short stories and long funny stories that have been tested on a humor level that can make you laugh.

Especially for those of you who like to read funny stories and humor the funniest, yes here the place, because every story here is made into a collection of stories so you are more satisfied to read it.

Because the collection of stories here is the best funny story of choice, so it's guaranteed to make you laugh.

The best collection of funny stories

Best funny stories
Best funny stories
1. Funny Story is not a good person

Early in the morning, Bowet's parents told Bowet to cut wood, into small pieces behind his house, for firewood, but Bowet was lazy, he thought of calling the police, with the stupid idea he had in mind...

  • "Bowet" - good morning sir
  • Police "- good morning there is also one I can help
  • "Bowet" - yes sir, I really need your help, I found the suspicious package, my neighbor hid the drugs on the sidelines of wood, and ready to be circulated.
  • Police "-you sure
  • "Bowet" - sure sir
  • Police "- (police hurriedly ask for his address) please give me the address
  • Bowet "- the street address is blah blah
  • Police: "Well, I'll go there
Not long after the police arrived, the police who had obtained the information, immediately headed back home which is none other than the home of Bowet parents.
  • Police - noon Sir, I got the information that this address is allegedly hiding the drug on a large scale, is it true sir.
  • "Keksut - (with fear of father" Bowet "answering police questions), no sir, I am a good person, it is impossible I hide drugs.
  • Police ": to prove it I can look it up in your house
  • keksut - it's okay
The police went straight to the back of the house, with the info they got.

The atmosphere around tense, neighbors wondered, the police hurriedly split the wood with the ax into small pieces, but the police did not find Drugs, police confused why there are no drugs, the police think this is stupid, who loves this stupid information . then the police leave
  • Police ": sorry sir, if we come here just interrupt your break, you are a good person.
  • Keksut - yes sir, I am not a bad person, I can not possibly do anything illegal.
  • Police ": okay, I'm back in headquarters, maybe this is just a stupid joke
  • Keksut - good sir
  • The police, good afternoon sir
not long
  • Bowet "- wooden dad has broken into small pieces, as requested, so my work is done.
  • Keksut - that means?
  • Bowet "- yes I have to call the police to finish my work, because I am lazy, forced to call the police, with information that there is medicine behind the house.
  • Keksut - so you call the police for this job "basic brats"

2. The funny story of grandma missed her son

Hacim is his son Bowet playing in front of the house of a grandmother, her grandmother missed her son who did not return 3 years abroad? Grandma took the initiative to send a letter to her son, but unfortunately, her grandmother was illiterate so she had to ask someone else.

Then grandmother looking for equipment to write letters, but dear? Grandma did not find her, so grandma had to ask for help from a child playing in front of her house.

-Hacim, Hacim, "a grandmother's voice calls Hacim, a boy playing in front of his house

  • Hacim - yes grandma, what's up?
  • Grandma - I want to write a letter for my son, please buy a pen and a book
  • Hacim - yes grandma, where's the money.
  • Grandma - this (while giving money to Hacim)
  • Hacim - ok
Hacim immediately set out to buy pens and books, about 10 minutes later returned

  • Hacim - this is pen and book grandma, Still need my help again
  • Grandma - yes I still need your help
  • Hacim - what else?
  • Grandma - please write her letters, grandma has forgotten the letter of her alphabet.
  • Hacim - yes, (with hatred in his heart, Hacim still does)
  • Grandma - write down, essentially tell her to go home
  • Hacim - yes grandma
(A few minutes later)
  • Hacim - it's done!
  • Grandma, please write her full address on the envelope
  • Hacim-: yes grandma,
  • Grandma - let me see the letter
  • Hacim - yes
  • Grandma - Wait a minute, please write "sorry bad writing"
  • "Hacim" - ....?

3. The best Funny story when buying pants

Hacim "is a boy who wants to buy trousers in clothes shop ,, when he gets to the store, Hacim immediately picks and searches the pants he wants, after walking around and getting the pants he wants, suddenly" Hacim "feel someone followed him from earlier , then Hacim rebuked a mother who had been following her.

  • Hacim - I notice that you follow me, what's wrong
  • Madam-sorry I guess you are my lost child, from behind you like my son, so I follow you
  • Hacim - ooo I guess why? lost since when
  • Madam - from last year, I do not know what to do anymore
  • Hacim - ooo so the story is so.
Then they walked to the cashier, upon arriving at the cashier the woman said
  • Madam - to get rid of my longing for my son, may I ask your help?
  • Hacim - "what"
  • Madam - when I get to the exit you say until later mother
  • Hacim - just like that
  • Madam - yes
  • Hacim - ok
Immediately the woman left the cashier, the next line was "Hacim" the woman walked to the exit, then Hacim remembered the message of the woman and said "until later the mother" after that?
  • Cashier - what do you buy?
  • Hacim - only this, at what price.
  • The cashier guard - 600 dollars
  • Hacim - what (with a sense of surprise) is not wrong 600 dollars, the pants that I bought, although clearly visible on the shelf only 20 dollars.
  • Cashier - for the pants you buy is actually 20 dollars, but the clothes your mother bought
  • Hacim - my mother which one?
  • the cashier guard - who just came out
  • Hacim - that woman is not my mother.
  • The cashier - but why do you say goodbye to that woman?
  • Hacim - .......? deceived                                                                                                   

4. The best funny story of the day is guaranteed to make you laugh

A child named Tugar, Tugar is a very innocent child, one day "Tugar" who was walking around the village getting a flyer distributed by someone who was promoting a shop, then after Tugar read "Tugar" surprised and amazed after seeing the price in brochures, the next day Tugar headed to the store, when Tugar headed to the store, Tugar met Bowet on the street, then Bowet asked.

  • Bowet - Tugar want to go where
  • Tugar - I want to buy cheap and clean clothes, yesterday I got a flyer from someone who was promoting the store, want to come.
  • Bowet - I do not have any more money
  • Tugar - no need to worry about the price, the price is only from 1 dollar to 2 dollars only
  • Bowet - yes let's go!
Bowet who did not hesitate with information from Tugar, he went straight to the store with Tugar, arrived in front of the Bowet store was shocked.
  • Bowet - is this a store?
  • Tugar-yes right, as per the address in the brochure
  • Bowet - see the brochure
  • Tugar - please
  • Bowet-wah (staring with shocked eyes)
  • Tugar - not wrong, according to the price list listed pants and jackets only with the price of 1 dollar, very cheap right
  • Bowet - the price list is correct, the address is also true (annoyed) but you know, this laundry is not a clothing store, embarrass me.

5. The best funny story when at home quiet

Bowet and Onah are very compact, seen from them cleaning the house always together, cooking together, sleeping together, (his name is also husband and wife) shortly before Bowet and Onah clean their house, they talk about what to do after a break

  • Onah - while our kids are not at home let's do it using a new style
  • Bowet - wow, great idea, with what style
  • Onah - the gentle
  • Bowet - how
  • Onah - I sit on the couch and lie down
  • Bowet - then (cannot stand it)
  • Onah - besides me there is a scent of flowers
  • Bowet - then I do what
  • Onah - you are as usual
  • Bowet - how
  • Onah - take a broom and continue cleaning the house.
  • Bowet - just say I have to clean my own house.
  • Onah .. ha ha ha

6 - Funny incident today while purchasing an umbrella

One day in the market, Bowet who works as an umbrella seller feels lucky that day, because the umbrella is sold out, while Bowet is preparing to go home suddenly there is an old lady named ponijem came. to buy an umbrella

  • Ponijem - whether the umbrella you are selling is still available
  • Bowet - sorry, all sold out, you're out of luck
  • Ponijem - how can it be.
  • Bowet - yes, there are only damaged and perforated umbrellas.
  • Ponijem - that's okay.
  • Bowet - if that's your wish please select only one or ten holes
  • Ponijem - what's the difference
  • Bowet - obviously different, hole 10 price 3 dollars, 1 hole only 1 dollar
  • Ponijem - why one hole is cheaper
  • Bowet - because the hole is very big hehe ...
  • Ponijem - shit ...?

funny story at school

One day at school
  • Teacher - Hacim how many feet of ducks
  • Hacim - two teachers
  • Master - if the elephant
  • Hacim - 8 teachers
  • Teacher - how can it be
  • Hacim - let's calculate, front leg 2, hind leg 2, left leg 2, right leg 2, so 8
  • teacher....?


The funny story above just for entertainment only, may you entertained

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