Best way to make friends

TUPLETOP. a human being who is a social being of course in his life will need someone else, no matter your position or status if you have no friends how you can live.

Imagine when you are sad or have a problem, who will be next to you if you do not have friends or anything.

But not always have many friends can make you better, especially if you choose the wrong friend.

So how to get a good friend and can make you better. this is what you have to do.

How to make friends.

1. More open to anyone

Try to be a person who is always open to everyone, so you'll have lots of acquaintances, pick a friend who can really make you better, from the acquaintance you have.

Although some of your acquaintances have made your life worse, never leave it, because later on, you will probably need it.

2. Know each other

If you already have acquaintances, try to get to know each other's personalities. so you know each other better.

3. Try to always attend every invitation you receive

Try to always attend the invitations you receive, so you'll be quicker to see if it's good or not for your life.

By knowing the surroundings and friend of your acquaintances, you will more easily guess the personality of your acquaintance.

4. Always communicate with them if you already have a close friend

Take time to always know your friend's news, to keep your relationship up.

5. Create moments of togetherness with friends who start close to you

To be a close friend, a precious moment is needed because of it will be your story with your friends in the future. because of one day maybe it will be retold.

Try to visit the sights or other fun places with your friends.

6. Sometimes you need to sacrifice for them when needed

Friendship relationship is reciprocal, aka symbiosis should be mutualism. Maybe you can decide to make a friend who is willing to sacrifice for you to be a close friend. but you also need to sacrifice for them if it is needed if you also want him to think you are a close friend.

That's a little trick for those of you who hard to find a friend of one heart, may be useful.

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